Prof. Martin Schimmel PD, Dr. med. dent., MAS Oral Biol, Spec. Rec. Dent. SSO/SSRD

Prof. Martin Schimmel PD, Dr. med. dent., MAS Oral Biol, Spec. Rec. Dent. SSO/SSRD

Martin Schimmel is chairman of the Department of Reconstructive Dentistry / School of Dental Medicine of the University of Bern, Switzerland (ZMK Bern). He obtained his undergraduate dental degree and Dr. med. dent. from the University of Mainz in Germany. The University of Geneva (Switzerland) awarded his postgraduate degrees Privat-Docent and MAS Oral Biol. Martin graduated as Swiss federal specialist for reconstructive dentistry SSO and founded Orophys LLC as a spin-off from the University of Bern. His professional career comprises wide clinical experience in private practice, university settings and geriatric hospitals. His academic interests include Gerodontology, CAD/CAM in prosthodontics, oral function and implantology.

Webinars with Prof. Martin Schimmel PD, Dr. med. dent., MAS Oral Biol, Spec. Rec. Dent. SSO/SSRD

Prof. Martin Schimmel PD, Dr. med. dent., MAS Oral Biol, Spec. Rec. Dent. SSO/SSRD

ITI global webinar


Implant Overdentures

Prof. Martin Schimmel