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Thank you
Thank you!!
Thank you!!
Thank you
Thank you! And how often would you recommend to change the screws… as for SRA basal screw and trans-oclussal screw? I know it might depend on how often you unscrew it?
Thank you
How to deal with reduced inter-arch space?
Thank you doctor! I know is not part of the EERA. But I would like to ask you about the follow up and maintenance for full arch implant fixed prosthesis. …… How often do you recommend to unscrew it.? And when do you recommend to “seal” it with “permanent composite”?
So, what would be the ideal way to treat the patient, you showed in the beginning? The one with non restorable implants.
Congrats, astonishing!!!!
Great Job my friend!!
Do you recommend giving the pt a night guard after full U/L fixed implant supporting prosthesis?
Tahnk you for the excellent lecture!
Congratulations Luis!
Thank u Dr
Luiz, excellent program with outstanding organization and supporting cases! Thanks so much!
Thanks. From Lima Peru
Thank you Dr. Luiz, I am doing more full mouth rehabilitation and I am placing A Zerconium screw retained Bridge in Maxillae and an Acrylid Hybrid screw retained Bridge in Mandible. Its as I learned more safer and secure from fractures and cracks. What’s your opinion on this?
Congrats to Dr. Gonzaga, a great friend of mine. I would like to hear from him is up to what extent we need to run an analog workflow to run all these assessments? Can we at some point move fully digitally?
Hi Luis!
What is your recommendation, regarding basal implants?
Thank you for joining today’s webinar! if you have any questions for Dr. Luiz Gonzaga please write them in this chat box and they will be addressed at the end of the presentation.