Dr. Jochen Tunkel CODE expert

ITI global webinar


Bone augmentation in Implantology – current concepts and new ideas
Thu., Feb. 20, 18:00 CET (Zürich)

Dr. Jochen Tunkel

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ITI global webinar


Immediate Implant Placement: Science Meets Practice

Dr. Algirdas Puisys

Dr. Kristina  Bertl

ITI Global Partner Webinar


Sinus lift made easy!

Dr. Kristina Bertl

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Hot Tips for Dental Implant Marketing

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Management of GBR complications in the aesthetic area

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Single implants in the anterior maxilla in young adults

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Getting started with bone regeneration: Practical tips

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Utilisation of PRF in implantology

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The Link Between Oral and Systemic Health: An Overview

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Sinus grafting procedures in advanced cases of bone atrophy

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